In order to ensure visitors Play Safe and Stay Safe, there are new booking rules for rounds and new guidance on codes of conduct when playing. Something we are sure you will understand and help implement. Social distancing is to be maintained at all times. Please bring your own pen to mark score cards.
You must book in advance
Regrettably, you will not be able to turn up and pay and must book your time slot in advance in order to play on (01568) 610602. We are taking allocated time slots every 10 minutes between each group. Payment by credit card, (contactless preferred) on arrival.
There are new rules on who can play together in one group
In line with Government guidelines, the course is open to playing groups of up to five members from one family household or two players each from different households.
You must report to our Pro Shop Reception when you arrive
Please remain in your vehicle until 5 minutes before your start time in order to avoid unnecessary queues. Only 1 person to enter the building to make payment and collect disinfected equipment. On completion of your round please return your equipment to Pro Shop.
Please leave when you finish
Respecting others using The Grove and in line with government guidelines, our Restaurant and Bar remain closed, we ask you leave quickly by our new one way system once your round is over in order to improve social distancing.
We hope you understand the need to implement these changes in order to ensure you play safe and stay safe during your visit and look forward to seeing you soon.
01568 610602